GTW 58         
50CN local approaches 6th St. as it heads south via former MILW rails at Menasha, WI on 11 Dec. '16. The buildhng in the background is Dura-Fibre, LLC. Organized as the National Tractor & Mahinery Co. at Chicago in 1916 (some references state ’18). They reorganized as the Uncle Sam Tractor and Machinery Co. ca. Mar. ’18 and moved to Menasha, WI ca. Feb.%‘19. The company reorganized as Wisconsin Automotive Corp. ca. ’23 in order to add automobiles to its line of products, particularly the Harris Six. They went out of business sometime between ’24 and ’2=. The Neenah Shoe Co. occuped the plant in ’28. The Wisconsin Container Corp. was organized ca. ’31 to manufacture solid fiber and corrugated containers at this facility. The company was acquired by Menasha Corp. ca. ’69 and became their Solid Fibre Divisiol. On 8 Feb. ’73, Menasha Corp. was granted a trademark for their “Grain-tainer” fiberboard grain doors for boxcars, but I’m not positive if they were made here or at another Menasha Corp. facility. Menasha Corp. sold the facility kn ’04 and the name was changed to Dura-Fibre at some point. The facility has a spur, but does not seem to receive rail service.
Date: 12/11/2016 Location: Menasha, WI Views: 144 Collection Of:   T. P. Bruss
Locomotives: GTW 5850(GP38-2)    Author:  T. P. Bruss
GTW 58
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  Northeast WI, Fall 2016
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Mike Maskel General NICE SHOT 1/7/2017 11:44:06 AM

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