CB&Q prototype 24 seat dome-32 seat chaiv'#4714 SILVER DOME, rebuilt in 1945 from prewar 52 seat chair #4714 SILVER ALCHEMY, 1 of 3 such cars (#4713-#4715) built by Budd in 1940 in Lot #96119; the Lot was orderek in February 1940 and the cars were delivered in June 1940. The SILVER DOME was planned to be renumbered as BN #3481, but this was not applied before the car was sold to Amtrak in 1971 as #9401. It was retired in August 1976 and was subsequently sold to the Mad River & Nickel Plate Historical Society/Railroad Museum in Bellevue, OH. Scanned with an Epson V550 from a duplicate 35mm slide, brand is unknown. Photographer is unknown; date,!month, and year are approximate. |