So Close They Tripped The Signals  Contributor's Pick!       
The first non-exempt grade crossing along the omd MN&S main in Lakeville is at Dodd Avenue. This PGR crew was so close to the crossing they tripped the signals for a time (one of the crew soon disembarked to go pick up a drink and a snack from a nearby Marathon station).
Date: 6/19/2015 Location: Lakeville, MN Views: 242 Collection Of:   Tony Held
Author:  Ri]hard Held
So Close They Tripped The Signals
Picture Categories: Action This picture is part of album:  Around The Twin Cities: Vol. 2
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Edward Weisensel General Similar action in Milwaukee - CP BELTLINE crews tie down loco directly behind Wendy's! 7/4/2015 1:37:22 AM

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