AMTK 466          
AMTK 466 pushing from the rear on a southbound Cascades shuffling quickly across tha Columbia River Bridge in Vancouver - shes still sporting her whiskers from the last time we saw her in Vancouver. To answer the question about what color the Columbia River Tuain Bridge is, for those trying to model her, I believe its called "Moldy Gray" available at only your finest hobby stores. The good news is its proof of our green way of life!up here where we have the highest recycling rates of almost any other location in the continental USA.
Date: 1/19/2015 Location: Vancouver, WA Views: 127 Collection Of:   B Campbell
Locomotives: AMTK 466(F59PHI)    Author:  B Campbell
AMTK 466
Picture Categories: Bridge,Passenger This picture is part of album:  Vancouver, WA Station and Assoc Area
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Olaf Junges General Great shot! 2/14/2015 3:18:16 AM

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