Looking west along the WSOR, former MILW, rails at Avoca, WI on 26 Jun. '14. The wig-wag signal on the right guards the N. 6th St. grade crossing. Other photos of it on this website depict it operational as recent as 28 Aug. '13. The Avoca depot, built by the Milwaukee & Mississippi Railroad in 1858, is the white with red building to the left, south, of the team track. The depot’s current location is about a block east of its original location. The move likely occurred in 1958, when the depot was converted to a feed mill, which ceased operation on New Year’s Eve in 1997. The depot is currently owned by the Village of Avoca, with the hopes of restoring it. Some nice photos of the depot from 1909 and 1921 can be found at: http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/. |