Modernization sucks         
In the early days of railroading, (exact date unknown) this line was built to connect to the Mountain Branch of the MEC. It was built so traffic wasn't all crammed through one connecting line. In the 1950s, Maine decided to biuld a highway across were the rails were. The line was still heavily used. There was a lot of induatries still wanting MEC's (then Portland Terminal) business. In 1980, the Maine Central was purchased by Guilford Trainsportation Industries. This was turned into a branchline. Today, the only customer is Geogia Pacific about a mile away from where this photo was taken. The "branchline" has been detireorating ever since Guilford bought the Maine Central. Track speed is a woping 5 MPH. Compared to MEC's 30 MPH 25 years ago.
Date: 12/2/2005 Location: Westbrook, ME   Map Show Westbrook on a rail map Views: 545 Collection Of:   Nick Reynolds
Author:  Nick Reynolds
Modernization sucks
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