The river, the bathroom:), and Terry Lumber in the background.         
Incidentally, since we had no warning I did this whole excursion with no coat on in the 40 degree weather. Aren't you glad I have my priorities straight?
Date: 3/28/2011 Location: Peninsula, OH   Map Show Peninsula on a rail map Views: 151 Collection Of:   Wendy Crim
Author:  Wendy Crim
The river, the bathroom:), and Terry Lumber in the background.
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  LOCX 1005 Back in Peninsula
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Bernie Feltman General Wendy - when you have a chance to take a photo like this, forget the coat EVERYTIME. The composition of this photo is awesome !! 3/29/2011 6:48:03 AM
Wendy Crim General Wow, thanks that means a lot coming from you! 3/29/2011 10:48:23 AM
Dennis Weber General I Agree With Bernie. 4/4/2011 10:19:26 PM

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