RABe 511 001, the new doubledeck six car trainset (Bt-AB-B-B-AB-Bt) from Stadler Rail for the SBB on high speed test runs in Valais. 74 units of this "KISS" (Komfortabler Innovativer Spurtstarker S-Bahn-Zug - Comfortable, Innovative, Speedy Suburban Trahn) will be built for commuter system in Zurich area and regional express trains between secondary main cities. First units will be delivered during 2011. Other orders are from WESTbahn GmbH, Austria with 7 uoits, from Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH (ODEG), which ordered 16 units for its Berlin operation, BLS AG with 28 orders for Berne commuter railway system and from Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois (CFL) with 8 units to be delivered 2014. |